...also known as Champissage, has been practiced as part of the family ritual in India for
thousands of years. It is included in India's oldest recorded healing system of medicine known as Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning "the science of life". It focuses on health, beauty and living a long fulfilled life through diet, lifestyle, massage, herbs, yoga, meditation and more. The Ayurvedic approach to health is the balance of body, mind and spirit.
Indian Head Massage uses gentle massage techniques that are simple, but extremely effective.
It focuses on the upper arms, back, shoulders, neck, face and scalp areas. The client remains clothed in a seated position. The techniques are applied through the clothing. It is recommended the client wear a t-shirt with no collar and that earrings and jewelry be removed.
The treatment is generally 30-45 minutes long. Oil may be applied at the end of the treatment if the client chooses. It is recommended the oil remain on the head for a minimum of 2 hours but preferably overnight for the full benefits.
Indian Head Massage is suitable for all ages and can also be offered for pregnant women.
May also help to relieve eyestrain, tension headaches, migraines,, earaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), jaw ache, sinus congestion, insomnia and insomnia or disturbed sleep.
Pre-cautions and contra-indications:
Any recent head or neck injury, whip lash, concussion, epilepsy, recent hemorrhage, head lice, infectious skin disorders, any infectious disease, intoxication, cuts and abrasions in the treatment areas, fevers...